
Driving around town today I came across the restaurant in the photo. It’s not often I see a character I’m sure I’ve not seen before, so when it happens I’m pretty happy. In this case, it’s 3 大 together like 品. A lot of blogs that review the place call it 大大大師傅, while others just say 太師傅. The zhuiyin with the character on the sign is ㄊㄞˋ, or in pinyin tài. It’s in Unicode (U+21619) but it’s one of those characters that just screws stuff up when I try to use it. So it’s there, and the company uses it on their Facebook page.

I’ve got to wonder what the tradeoff is for a business like this. You’re guaranteeing most of your customers will be unable to type your name. Then again, you’re helping them remember your business. And offering the pronunciation right there on the sign is a nice enough gesture as well. The food looks decent enough, anyway.

15 responses to “𡘙師傅”

  1. Karan says:

    It looks like there is a problem with the RSS feed in handling

    • Karan says:

      haha, and looks like the comment box can’t handle it either. It stripped off everything in my comment after the 大大大 character.

      What I was also saying that the RSS feed also has trouble with it since it showed up as the literal unicode code point in the rss reader. UTF-32 woes!

  2. Steve (Syz) says:

    Ah, Karan is onto something. 大大大 is actually the advance soldier in Sinoglot’s new incarnation as a money-making spambot-creator / virus factory. Once infected by 大大大, there is no hope for any OS or browser! Mwahahaha

  3. 囧尼熊 says:

    “大大大” is the variant character of “猋” and “太”

  4. mxh says:

    金鍂鑫 ——鍂(piān)古代一种乐器;鑫(xīn)店名、人名用字。
    水沝淼 ——沝(zhuǐ)滩碛聚集的地方;淼(miǎo)水多,或同“渺”。
    吉喆嚞 ——喆(zhé)同“哲”,多用于人名;嚞(zhé)同“哲”。
    手抙掱 ——抙(póu)同“捊”,用手捧、击;掱(pá)意为“扒手”。
    瞐 歮 ——瞐(mò)美目,目深,美丽的样子;歮(sē)古同“涩”。
    田畕畾 ——畕(jiānɡ)古同“疆”。 畾(léi)古同“雷”“垒”。
    羊羴  ——羴(shān)群羊。
    马騳骉 ——騳(dú)马奔跑。骉(biāo)众马奔腾的样子。
    鱼鱻  ——鱻(xiān)古同“鲜”。
    牛牪犇 ——牪(yàn)牛伴。犇(bēn)同“奔”。
    犬猋  ——猋(biāo)犬跑的样子或古同“飙”。
    大夶  ——夶(bǐ)古同“比”。
    小尛  ——尛(mó)古同“麽”。
    又双叒叕——叒(ruò)古同“若”; 叕(zhuó)连缀或短、不足;(yǐ)张网的样子;(lì)止、系;(jué)速。
    子孖孨 ——孖(zī)双生子或同“滋”; 孨(zhuǎn)谨慎;弱、懦弱;孤儿。
    心惢  ——惢(suǒ)疑虑或善;(ruǐ)沮丧的样子或同“蕊”。

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