The Book of the Nishan Shaman 06

Previous instalments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

dalbaci yuwan wai songgome hendume
ama i age ara, susai sede ara,
ujihe ningge ara, sergudai fiyanggo ara,
bi simbe sabuhade ara, ambula urgunjehe ara,
ere utala morin ara, ihan honin adun ara,
we salire ara.

dalbaci [from side]
yuwan wai [landowner]
songgome [crying]
hendume [spoke]

ama i [father’s]
age [heir]
ara [oh!] interjection of pain or fear (this appears after every phrase in the text above, but is only translated here)
susai sede [at the age of fifty]
ujihe ningge [he who was born]
sergudai fiyanggo [Sergudai the Younger]

bi [I]
simbe [you] acc
sabuhade [when watched]
ambula [very]
urgunjehe [was glad]

ere [these]
utala morin [so many horses]
ihan honin adun [herds of cattle and sheep]
we [who]
salire [will inherit]

Note: with “ara” after every phrase, this seems to have the effect of sobbing.

Then the landowner spoke, crying, “Oh! Father’s heir! You, who were born when I was at the age of fifty! Sergudai Fiyanggo! So glad I was when I watched you! Who will inherit all these horses and herds of cattle and sheep?

age i ambalinggo ara,
sure genggiyen ara, ambula akdahabihe ara,
yalure akta ara, ya age yalure ara,
aha nehu ara, ya ejin takvrara ara,
aculan giyahvn ara, bihe seme ara,
ya jui alire ara, kuri indahvn ara,
bihe seme ara, ya juse kutulere ara,

age i [heir’s]
ambalinggo [dignity] dict. form: ambalinggv
sure [wisdom]
genggiyen [brightness]
ambula [very much]
akdahabihe [had trusted]

yalure akta [saddle-geldings]
ya age [what kind of lord]
yalure [will ride]

aha nehu [servants and maids]
ya ejin [what kind of lord] dict. form: ejen
takvrara [will have in service]

aculan giyahvn [hawks and falcons] dict. form: anculan
bihe seme [there were]
kuri indahvn [spotted dogs]
bihe seme [there were]
ya juse [what kind of sons]
kutulere [will lead]
seme [said]

So much had I trusted in your dignity, wisdom and brightness! What kind of lord will ride the geldings? What kind of lord will have the servants and maids in his service? What kind of son will lead the hawks, falcons, and retrievers?”

soksime songgoro de eme geli songgome hendume
eme i sure age ara, eme mini ara,
enen juse ara, jalin sain be ara,
yabume baifi ara, hvturi baime ara,
susai sede ara, banjiha sure ara,
genggiyen age ara, gala dacun ara,
gabsihiyan age ara, giru saikan ara,
gicihiyan age ara, bithe hvlara ara,

soksime [sobbing]
songgoro de [crying]
eme [mother]
geli [moreover]
songgome [crying]
hendume [spoke]

eme i [mother’s]
sure age [bright son]
eme [mother]
mini enen juse jalin [for my descendant]
sain be [good]
yabume [to act]
baifi [wished]
hvturi [(for) good fortune]
baime [prayed]

susai sede [at the age of fifty]
banjiha [gave birth]

sure genggiyen age [wise and bright son]
gala dacun [nimble] gala [hand, arm] dacun [sharp, shrewd]
gabsihiyan age [quick and clever son]
giru saikan [of beautiful appearance]
gicihiyan age [fair son] dict. form: gincihiyan

Then the mother sobbed and wailed, “Oh! Mother’s bright son! Mother always wished everything good for my descendant, and prayed for his good fortune! You were born when I was at the age of fifty! My wise and bright son! My nimble, quick and clever son! My fair, beautiful son!

jilgan haihvngga ara, eme sure age ara,
te ya jui de ara, nikeme banjimbi ara,
ahasi de gosingga ara, ambulingga age ara,
giru muru ara, hocohvn age ara,
fiyan banin ara, pan an i gese ara,
saikan age ara,

bithe hvlara age [learned son]
jilgan haihvngga [of soft voice]
eme [mother’s]
sure age [bright son]

te [now]
ya jui de [on what son]
nikeme [depending]
banjimbi [will (I) live]

ahasi de [for servants]
gosingga [merciful]
ambulingga age [dignified son] dict. form: ambalinggv
giru muru [form, appearance]
hocohvn age [pretty son]
fiyan banin [appearance, look]
pan an i gese [like Pan An]
saikan age [beautiful son]

Learned, soft-voiced mother’s bright son! What son will I depend on now?  Oh my dignified son; merciful to the servants! Oh, my dignified son of beautiful appearance, resembling Pan An!

eme giya de ara,
xodome yabuci ara, giyahvn adali ara,
eme jilgan be ara, donjime baire ara,
holo de yabuci ara, honggo jilgan ara,
eniye hocohvn age ara, eniye bi te ara,
ya emu age be ara, tuwame bimbi ara,
gosime tembi ara,

eme [mother]
giya de [street] dict. form: giyai
xodome [strolling]
yabuci [if walked]
giyahvn adali [like a falcon]
eme [mother’s]
jilgan be [voice]
donjime [to listen]
baire [looked for]

holo de [wrong]
yabuci [if did]
honggo [little bell’s] dict. form: honggon
jilgan [voice]

eniye [mom’s]
hocohvn age [pretty son]

eniye [mom]
bi [I]
te [now]
ya emu age [what kind of son]
tuwame bimbi [(will I) watch]
gosime [loving]
tembi [live]

When Mother strolled down the street, like a falcon you would listen for her voice. When you walked through the valley, it was like the sound of a bell. Oh, Mother’s pretty son! What son will I watch now, what son will I love in my life?”

oncohon tuheci obinggi tucime, umuxhun tuheci silenggi eyeme, oforo niyaki be oton de waliyame, yasai muke be yala bira de eyebume songgoro de, dukai bade emu dara kumcuku

oncohon [facing upwards]
tuheci [fell down]
obinggi [foam] dict. form: obonggi
tucime [came out]

umuxhun [prone] dict. form: umuxuhun
tuheci [fell down]
silenggi [drivel]
eyeme [flow]

oforo niyaki be [mucus]
oton de [in a trough]
waliyame [came out]

yasai muke be [tears] lit. eyes’ water
yala bira de [to Yalu river] most probably a misspelling
eyebume [was made to flow]
songgoro de [while she was crying]
duka-i bade [at the gate]
emu dara kumcuku [hunchback] dara [waist] kumcuku [crooked, bent forward] dict. form: kumcuhun

She fell down facing upwards, and foam came out of her mouth, then she turned around and lay prone. Drivel flowed from her mouth, and her mucus
and tears came out into a trough and flowed to the Yalu River.  At that time a hunchback appeared at the gate.

bucere hamika dara mehume yabure sakda mafa jifi hvlame hendume,
deyangku deyangku duka tuwakiyara
deyangku deyangku aguta sa donji
deyangku deyangku sini ejin de
deyangku deyangku genefi alarareo
deyangku deyangku duka tulergide
deyangku deyangku bucere sakda
deyangku deyangku jihebi sereo
deyangku deyangku majige acaki sereo
deyangku deyangku seme jihe se

bucere hamika [close to death] hamimbi [to approximate]
dara mehume yabure [made a bow]
sakda mafa [old man]
jifi [came]
hvlame [calling]
hendume [spoke]

deyangku deyangku The addition of this makes his speech sound like an incantation.
duka [gate]
tuwakiyara [guard]

agu-ta sa [brothers] double plural suffix
donji [listen]

sini ejin de [to your lord] dict. form: ejen

genefi [go and]
alarareo [please, tell]

duka tulergide [outside the gate]

bucere sakda [dying old man]

jihebi [came]
sereo [please, say]

majige [a little] in requests this word is used in similar manner as  Japanese chotto
acaki sereo [would like to visit]

seme [said]
jihe [came]
se [say]

The old decrepit man made a bow and said,
“Deyangku deyangku! You who guard the gate!

Deyangku deyangku, b
rothers, listen to me!
Deyangku deyangku, please, go to your lord,
deyangku deyangku, and tell him that there is,
Deyangku deyangku, an old decrepit man,
deyangku deyangku, standing outside the gate,
deyangku deyangku, who would like to,
Deyangku deyangku, pay him a visit.

deyangku deyangku majige gvnin
deyangku deyangku hooxan deijimbi
deyangku deyangku
seme baire de duka tuwakiyaha niyalma dosifi baldu bayan de ulara jakade yuwan wai hendume,

majige [a little]

hooxan [paper]
deijimbi* [burn]

seme [saying]
baire de [asking]
duka [door]
tuwakiyaha niyalma [guards]
dosifi [entered]

baldu bayan de [to Baldu Bayan]
ulara [conveyed]
jakade [after]
yuwan wai [landowner]
hendume [said]

Deyangku deyangku, it crossed my mind,
deyangku deyangku, that I could burn some paper*.”
When the guards went in and conveyed his message to Baldu Bayan, the landowner said,

* “burn some paper” burning paper money is a shamanic ritual, an offering at a funeral.  It is still in common practice in Chinese ancestor worship.
To learn more about Manchu funeral customs, look here.

absi jilaka hvdun dosimbu belin age de waliyaha alin i gese yali efen be jekini, mederi gese arki be omikini sehe manggi duka tuwakiyaha niyalma sujume genefi tere sakda be hvlame dosimbufi,

absi [how]
jilaka [pitiful] dict. form: jilakan
hvdun [quickly]
dosimbu [let (him) in]

belin age de [young master]
waliyaha [leftover]
alin i gese [like mountains]
yali efen be [meat and pastries]
jekini [may (he) eat]

mederi gese [like a sea]
arki be [liquor]
omikini [may (he) drink]

sehe [said]
manggi [after]
duka [gate]
tuwakiyaha niyalma [guards]
sunjeme [run and]
tere sakda be [that old man]
hvlame [calling]
dosimbufi [let in]

“How pitiful!  Quickly, let him in.  May he eat the mountains of meat and pastries the young master left over.  May he drink a sea of liquor.”  When he said that, the guards ran and called the old man and let him in.

tere sakda dosime jidere de utala waliyara yali, efen arki jergi be tuwarakv, xuwa duleme genefi belin age i hobo hanci ilifi, gala hobo be sujame bethe fekuceme den jilgan i songgome hendume

tere sakda [that old man]
dosime [came in]

jidere de [when came]
waliyara yali efen arki [leftover meat, pastries and liquor]
jergi be [and other meals]
tuwarakv [didn’t look]

xuwe [straight]
duleme [passing]
genefi [went]

belin age i [young master’s]
hobo [coffin]
hanci [near]
ilifi [stood]

gala [hand]
hobo be [coffin]
sujame [leaned]

bethe [feet]
fekuceme [hopping]

den jilgan i [in high voice]
songgome [crying]
hendume [said]

The old man came in and passed by the meat, pastries, liquors and other foods without even looking at them.  He went straight to the young master’s coffin, leaned his hands against it, and jumping, he cried in high voice,

age i haji ara koro, absi udu ara koro,
jalgan foholon ara koro, sure banjiha ara koro
seme donjiha ara koro sungken aha bi ara koro
urgunjehe bihe ara koro mergen age be ara koro
ujihe seme ara koro, elgin donjifi ara koro

age i [master’s]
haji [dear]
ara koro [Oh! sorrow, regret]

absi udu [how it is] dict. form: uttu

jalgan [life-span]
foholon [(is) short]

sure [bright]
banjiha [born]

donjiha [(I) heard]

sungken aha [congealed, withered servant]
bi [I (am)]

urgunjehe bihe [I was glad]

mergen age be [wise master]

ujihe seme [support]

elgin [rich] can be spelled elgiyen
donjifi [(I) heard]

“Master’s dear one, ara koro! How it is, ara koro!
Life is short, ara koro!  Born so bright, ara koro!
I have heard, ara koro!  A
withered servant I am, ara koro!
I was glad,
ara koro! The wise master, ara koro!
as supported, ara koro!  In richness I have heard, ara koro!

muntuhun aha bi ara koro erehe bihe ara koro
erdemu bisire ara koro age be banjiha ara koro
seme donjifi ara koro ehelinggo aha bi ara koro
akdaha bihe ara koro fengxen bisire ara koro
age be donjifi ara koro ferguwehe bihe ara koro
age absi buceheni ara koro
galai falanggo dume fancame songgome fekuceme bucetei songgoro be dalbai dalbai niyalmasa gemu yasai muke eyebumbi,

muntuhun aha [stupid servant] dict. form: mentuhun
bi [I (am)]

erehe bihe [(I) hoped]

erdemu bisire [having power/virtuous]

age be [master]
[was born]

donjifi [heard]

ehelinggo aha [lowly] dict. form: ehelinggu
bi [I (am)]

akdaha bihe [trusted]

fengxen bisire [good-fortuned]

age be [master]
donjifi [heard]

ferguwehe bihe [(I was) astonished]

age [master]
buceheni [died] ni interrogative particle, exclamation of wonder

gala-i falanggo [palm of a hand] dict. form: falanggv
dume [striking]
fancame [got angry]

bucetei [desperately]
songgoro be [crying]
dalbai dalbai [around] lit. on every side
niyalmasa gemu [all the people]
yasai muke [tears]

eyebumbi [made flow]

Stupid servant
I am, ara koro! I hoped, ara koro!
Full of virtue,
ara koro! A master was born, ara koro!
I had heard, ara koro!  A lowly servant I am, ara koro!
A trusted,
ara koro! Good fortuned, ara koro!
Master, I heard,
ara koro! I was astonished, ara koro!
How the master died,
ara koro!
He angrily struck the palms of his hands.  Crying desperately, he brought all the people around him to tears.

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